Serie 2020)
It investigates those intelligent, physiological and mental mechanisms that are generated in the observation of an object and image in its first “raw” phase.
In this initial instance that I call, “raw” image, it means the study of immediate/raw perceptions of collective scope, by which they are applied above, mere phenomena and abilities of human perception.
Mechanical processes such as selection, abstraction, simplification, categorization, interpretation, coupling and discarding become essential triggers in the visual experience and understanding of it:
The premature perceptions that I work on are also directly intervened by default elements (coming from the culture of prefabricating x) that come to clearly condition the cognition of the landscape, so that I generate a hierarchy of form, symbol and obviously its meaning. In my work, memory is understood as raw material that discriminates, compares and highlights its future; for which I come to prioritize the line, the pattern, closed and geometric figures that will particularize new environments.