Alrededor del Norte
Around the North
from the series Visual perception is circumscribed (ΒΏ)
First Solo show, curated by Zayra Sanchez ,Taller Maldonado (Gallery), Guayaquil, Ecuador, march, 2021.
I know, for example, that the exercise of perception is full of errors, it is like in set theory, and in the great set of our questions each one could choose a unique configuration. In the first place, there are things that are very easy to do, things that I could do from now on, such as: get closer to what I’m looking for. Then there are somewhat more important things, like finding them carefully. Then, among all the things that I still don’t know, there are some that I would really like to discover, like giving up one kind of trail to save another in a certain Form.
– Around it extends…
Being able to live in a middle ground, that is to say, on paths that are not completely parallel, but that come together somewhere and start from the need to approach something: that reveals itself but does not appear as such.
But we will preserve from those fragmentary and carefree walks for a long time, groups of loss.
β¦And each time it crosses – a few minutes before landing – the layer of clouds, we discover as far as the eye can see an infinite grid and we experience a ship, oceanic feeling. Finally, we will not have seen more than a small part of those furrows, more than the brief superficial idea that it can let us glimpse, the one that we will have circumscribed for itself.
The moment I recover it, it will trigger something similar to submission, to what has been lived, like a job of detailed description. I was also reflecting for a long time during that night walk about my strange relationship with the north, there I had two landscapes. One, nuances that little understood; the other, cold and traced with the appearance of high objectivity, seen from outside and from above, written by one who knew more and at the same time less than myself. I sensed the study of an unknown hand, but it had also inscribed a reasoning of deterioration, of permanence, an escape that, planning in grids, did not assimilate to accommodate itself to this reality. It was discovered remote and a strut was deduced to itself, if it be the case, all directions in-ferred about north.
where is that heading?
Zayra Sanchez (Ecuador, 1995)
Marzo, 2021